Platzi Fake Store API
I contributed to Platzi Fake Store API a REST API that can be used with any type of project that needs products, users, categories, authentication and users in JSON format. The goal is that anyone can use this API for prototyping e-commerce and learning about how to connect to an API with best practices.
Documentation with Astro
I used Astro to create a documentation website with fast loading times. The documentation was created with markdown and the website was built with many components to show the different endpoints and how to use them.

The API was built using NestJS, a modern backend framework for building APIs using TypeScript and NodeJS. This API has endpoints for managing products, users, categories, authentication, and authorization.

GraphQL support
I also added support for GraphQL, a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. This was done using the special package @nestjs/graphql and Apollo to build a GraphQL server.

Content generated by AI
The API has a lot of content generated by AI, such as products, images, categories, and users, with the goal of creating Realictis projects using this API.